- 先天性Q-T延长综合征congenital Q-T prolongation syndrome
- 1例Q-T间期延长综合征致心脏骤停成功复苏的急救护理First aid of a patient with cardiac arrest caused by prolonged Q-T interval syndrome
- 阿Q正传The True Story of Ah Q
- 无甲-先天性缺指综合征anonychia-ectrodactyly syndrome
- 凹板延长板concave extension
- 白化病人体、动物或植物先天性缺乏正常的色素沉淀或染色Congenital absence of normal pigmentation or coloration in a person, an animal, or a plant.
- 美尼尔氏综合征labyrinthine syndrome
- 阿Q在赵太爷面前显得呆头呆脑。Ah Q looks idiotic before Master Zhao.
- 这部电影将延长放映一周。The movie will be held over for a week.
- 先天性病congenital
- [把音]延长的sostenuto
- 矮小综合征runting syndrome
- 薄膜Q开关film Q-switching
- (先天性)闭锁,无孔正常的身体孔或管道,如肛门、肠或外耳道的缺失或闭合The absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular passage such as the anus, intestine, or external ear canal.
- 延长访问时间protract a visit
- 艾迪综合征Adie's syndrome
- 被动Q开关passive Q-switch
- XX男性综合征XX male syndrome
- 凹板延长栅格面积concave extension grate area
- 爆炸膜Q开关exploding film Q-switching