- 六西格玛设计(DFSS)DFSS
- 从本质上看,六西格玛设计针对的是在设计的阶段时就找出产品、服务和流程上的缺陷,而不是在生产阶段或质量控制阶段。It fundamentally aims at ferreting out the flaws of the product or service or process during the design stage - not at the production stage or quality control stage.
- 设计design
- 六西格玛设计design for six sigma
- 六西格玛设计培训Six Sigma Design for Six Sigma
- 关于6西格玛设计(DFSS)6 Sigma Design (DFSS)
- 六号6th day of the month
- 基于QFD、TRIZ和DOE的DFSS集成模式研究Research of Integration Frame Based on QFD,TRIZ and DOE
- 六个six
- 程序设计programmer
- 六级CET-6
- 毕业设计diploma project
- 六西格玛2。Six sigma for managers II.
- 平面设计planar design
- 六人six
- 通过一个三元组
给出了DFL程序设计语言的操作语义模型; An operational semantics model of DFL programming language was proposed with a ternary arrayand then some basic data types and several mechanisms of constructing new data types were defined; - 六角sexangular
- 设计方案design proposal
- 六岁six
- 室内设计interior design