- 共享ADSLADSL sharing
- 多机共享ADSL接入InternetADSL Accessing Internet by Multi-computer Sharing
- 学校中ADSL宽带共享上网解决方案School to ADSL Cummerbund Share Network Resolve Plan
- ADSL系统信道与回波冲激响应联合缩短算法研究Algorithm for Joint Shortening of Channel and Echo Response in ADSL system
- 利益的共享a communion of interests
- ADSL在你需要之处给出了高带宽,并且只用一对铜线。ADSL delivers high bandwidth where you need it and only uses a single copper pair.
- 请选择共享文件夹。Please select a shared folder.
- 共享仓库:Shared Repository:
- 伪共享false sharing
- 社区投资共享基金。Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
- 共享度Extent of sharing
- 共享型shared
- 共享栈shared stack
- 共享RAMsharing RAM
- 共享率sharing rate
- 共享胜利的喜悦share the joys of victory
- 共享式training
- 共享份Share
- 共享区shared region
- 尝试共享程序文件本身,如果不起作用,则共享您的桌面。Try sharing the program file itself, or if that doesn't work, share your desktop.