- 关于Arnold变换的周期性The Periodicity of Arnold Transformation
- 基于Arnold变换与改进LSB嵌入方案的信息伪装算法Steganography Based on Arnold Transform and Modified LSB Embedding
- 新型图像置乱矩阵T继承了Arnold变换矩阵易编解码的特点。The novel image scrambling matrix T has the same characteristics of easy coding and decoding with Arnold matrix.
- 变换vary
- 周期性periodicity
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 从投资的周期性波动定位我国当前的投资规模及宏观调控Orientation of the scale of investment and macro adjustments and controls of our country from the cyclical fluctuation of investment
- 周期性的seasonal
- 变换的transpositional
- 本行业的某些部分在很大程度上依赖于市场的周期性运动。Some parts of the sector strongly depend on cyclical movements of the market.
- 变换器convertor
- 一种真假嗓音反复变换的唱腔。a songlike cry in which the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal voice and falsetto.
- 危机的周期性the periodicity of crises
- Arnold反变换的一种新算法A New Anti-Arnold Transformation Algorithm
- 经济的周期性情况cyclical nature of the economy
- 对称变换的和的非零特征根所对应的特征子空间的正交性Orthogonality of Characteristic Subspaces Correspondence by Symmetric Transformations
- 周期性的衰减在无线电的传送过程中,接收能力的周期性减弱A periodic reduction in the received strength of a radio transmission.
- 分数阶傅立叶变换的多种定义形式及其光学实现系统分析Multiplicity of the Definition of Fractional Fourier Transforms and Analysis on Their Optical Implementation
- 首先,中枢神经必须赋予呼吸肌的周期性收缩和放松一种节奏。First, the CNS must produce a rhythm for the periodic cycle of contraction and relaxation of respiratory muscles.
- 基于小波变换的窗奇异性指数计算及其在故障检测中的应用Wavelet transform based window singularity exponent computation method and its application in fault detection