- 第二章主要讨论薛定谔算子相关的算子和与之相关的BMO函数生成的交换子L~p有界性问题。In chapter 2, we discuss the boundedness of commutators of Riesz transform on the L~p(R~n) space which is generated by operator associated with Schrodinger and BMO functions associated with Schrodinger operator.
- Calder?n-Zygmuncl奇异积分算子与加权BMO函数构成的交换子在Herz空间上的有界性(英文)Commutators of Calder?n-Zygmund Operator on Weighted Herz Spaces
- 伴随BMO函数的交换子在Herz型Hardy空间上的加权有界性Weighted Boundedness of Commutators with BMO Functionon Herz Type Hardy Spaces
- 得到了E+n+1上的BMO函数在插值序列上取值的特征,它是单位圆盘上的相应结果在高维空间的推广The characterization of values of BMO functions on interpolating sequences of ?E + n+1 ? is obtained , which is a generalization of the result on the unit disc D.
- 本文给出了Hardy-Littlewood极大算子的BMO有界姓的一个新证明。In this paper, I give a new proof of BMO-boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator.
- 按贸易额加权的汇率指数Trade weighted index of exchange rates
- 其传递函数与输入信号的频谱函数相匹配的一种滤波器。A filter whose transfer function is matched with the frequency spectrum function of input signal.
- 基于特征加权的故障征兆处理算法Fault Symptom Handling Algorithm Based on Feature Weighted
- 得到了一类线性 (或次线性 )算子与 BMO函数构成的交换子在 Herz型空间上的有界性估In this paper we prove that the commatators generated by BMO function and some linear (or sublinear) operators are houndedness on Herz spaces
- 基于K近邻加权的混合C均值聚类算法Weighted Hybrid C-means Clustering Based on the K-nearest-neighbour Rule
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 顾名思义,离子交换指的是溶液中的离子与交换剂上的离子相互交换。Ion-exchange, as the name partially suggests, is the process of exchanging ions from a liquid with ions from an exchanger.
- 齐型空间上Littlewood-Paley算子的BMO有界性The BMO Boundedness of the Littlewood Paley Operators on Spaces of Homogeneous Type
- 基于变元加权的一种求解SAT问题的新方法A New Algorithm for SAT Problem Based on Weighted Variables
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- 基于模糊加权的动态自适应分支预测算法研究Research on Adaptive Dynamic Branch Prediction Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Weight
- 局部凸空间上检验函数与广义函数空间的嵌入定理及其应用An Embedding Theorem for Space of Distributions onLocally Convex Space
- 帧中继网中的永久虚拟电路与交换虚拟电路PVCs and SVCs in Frame Relay Nets