- 半定量PCRSend-quantitative PCR
- 方法应用荧光半定量PCR方法对61个散发EOP患者进行parkin基因外显子重排突变分析。Methods fluorescence semi-quantitative PCR was used to analyze the exon rearrangements of parkin gene in 61 isolated patients with EOP.
- 利用半定量PCR方法分析中国地方猪种内源病毒序列拷贝数的多态性Copy Number Polymorphism of Endogenous Retrovirus Sequence in Chinese Local Pig Breeds by Semi-PCR
- 半semi-
- 半年half a year
- 荧光半定量PCR在散发早发性帕金森综合征parkin基因外显子重排突变分析中的应用Exon rearrangement analysis of parkin gene in patients with isolated early-onset parkinsonism using semi-quantitative PCR
- 定量PCRquantitative PCR ( qPCR)
- 定量PCR对兔肺白念珠菌病诊断价值和标准的动物实验研究Diagnostic value and standard of quantitative PCR in rabbits with pulmonary candidiasis albicance
- 快速半定量绒毛膜促性腺激素测定在宫外孕诊治中的应用Application of fast semiquantitative HCG test in ectopic pregnancy clinic
- 利用实时荧光定量PCR方法分析转基因水稻外源基因拷贝数Estimating copy number of transgenes in transformed rice by real-time quantitative PCR
- 应用MRS和R2~*半定量法评价服用枫树油对MRI检查的影响Semi-quantitative assessment of influence of maple oil to MRI examination by MR spectroscopy and R2~* measurement
- 实时荧光定量PCR构建绵羊PrP基因标准品质粒和标准曲线Construction of Sheep PrP Gene Standard Plasmid DNA and Curve Using Real-time RT-PCR
- 目的 通过免疫胶乳凝集试验定性或半定量测定尿微量白蛋白。Objective To determine microalbumin in urine qualitatively or semiquantita-tively with inimuno - latex agglutination test. Methods Using human albumin to sensitize carboxy-lated polystyrene latex, an human albumin immuno - latex agglubination inhibition test was established .
- 半定量仿真semi-quantitative simulation
- 实时定量PCRReal-time PCR
- 定性和半定量quantitative and semi-quantitative
- 酶联定量PCRELISA quantitative polymerase chain reaction
- 荧光半定量技术fluorescence semi-quantitative technique
- 竞争定量PCRQuantitative conapetiter-pcr