- 单位GDP能耗GDP energy intensity
- 国外单位GDP能耗演变历史及启示Evolving History of Oversea Energy Intensity per GDP and its Revelation
- 从18个城市看我国人均能耗和单位GDP能耗水平China's Energy Consumption Per Capita/Unit GDP Value in View of 18 Cities
- 单位GDP的节能率达到6%以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平。It is targeted to reduce energy consumption for unit GDP production by 6%25 annually to make Beijing join those of the leading cities in the country.
- 2008年单位GDP的节能率达到6%以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.865吨标煤/万元和3.318吨标煤/人。By the year 2008, the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6%25 over, while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person, the advanced domestic levels over the same period.
- 2008年,单位GDP的节能率达到6%以上,单位GDP能耗和人均能耗达到同期国内先进水平,约为0.865吨标煤/万元和3.318吨标煤/人。By the year 2008,the energy saving rate per unit GDP will reach 6%25 over,while the energy intensity per unit GDP and per capita will meet 0.865 tce per 104 Yuan and 3.318 tce per person,the advanced domestic levels over the same period.
- GDP能耗GDP energy consumption
- 单位GDPunit GDP
- 班是军队的最小构成单位。A squad is the smallest unit in an army.
- 小时是时间单位。The hour is a unit of time.
- 万元GDP能耗electricity consumption per unit of GDP
- 阿瑟单位Arthur unit
- 该电脑的存储器有两百万单位。The computer has two million bytes of memory.
- GDP能耗与电耗的关系Relation between the Energy Intensity and Electricity Intensity of GDP
- 美国的货币单位是"元"。The monetary unit in the US is the dollar.
- 1986年至1987年,我教过英语培训班,学员来自外贸和大众传播单位。From1986 to1987 I was teaching English training courses for students in international trade and mass communication.
- 镑是英国货币的标准单位。The pound is the standard unit of money in Britain.
- GDP能耗降低指标如何分解?How to Decompose Indicators of GDP Energy Intensity Reduction?
- 排污单位应当如期完成治理任务。The pollutant discharging units shall accomplish treatment of the pollution as scheduled.
- 米利姆突尼斯货币单位A unit of currency in Tunisia.