- 卡拉OK包房karaoke chamber
- 卡拉OKkaraoke (singing to recorded instrumental accompaniment)
- 房house
- 她想同我们一起去玩卡拉OK,但不知道她的妈妈会不会有意见。She wants to go to play Karaoke with us, but she does not know whether it is all right to her mother.
- 包房passenger compartment
- 包箱式卡拉OK厅single room Kara ok bar
- 您的客人到来时,我们的接待员会领他们到包房里来的。Our receptionist will show your guests into the private room when they arrive.
- 日本百货公司、日式产品,如日本寿司和卡拉OK等,已成为香港人生活中不可或缺的一部分。Japanese products and department stores,like sushi and karaoke,are an integral part of Hong Kong's life.
- 列车员:每个包房有两张带软垫的双层床,有书桌和台灯。Each compartment has two cushioned bunk beds and a desk with a reading lamp on it.
- 接下来,我想去卡拉OK酒吧唱歌。I want to sing at a karaoke bar next.
- 包房客车compartment coach
- KTV包房karaoke chamber
- 我喜欢唱卡拉OK。I love to sing Karaoke.
- 卡拉OK机karaoke machine
- 包房商hire-room-trader
- 小包房roomette
- 卡拉OK酒吧karaoke bar
- 卡拉OK音带karaoke tape
- 单人包房roomette
- 卡拉OK设备Karaoke equipment