- 压铸机PC控制器改型PC Reforming On Press Founding
- 压铸机主从单片机控制器的设计On the Design of Main Subordinate Single - chip Controller with Die -casting Machine
- 摘要压铸机的整体变形情况对压铸机性能和铸件质量有重要影响。Using the FEM, the deformation and stress field of a large-scale Mg alloy die casting machine have been calculated by ANSYS.
- 系统的硬件由上位机和PC控制器构成,软件由二次开发的上位机组态运行操作管理软件和PC运行软件组成。The hardware is composed by upper-computer and PC, the software are consist of configuration manger software and PC run software.
- 压铸过程工艺参数与压铸机及压铸模具相关的数学模型与分析Mathematic Analysis of the Parameter of the Die-procedure and the Die Casting Machine and the Die-casting Module
- 上海压铸机厂Shanghai Die Casting Machine Works
- 国外压铸机Foreign Die Casting Machine
- 压铸室直径Diameter of shot sleeve mm
- 板努铸机slab caster
- 中国锌压铸状况Overview of Zn diecasting market in China
- 板坯连铸机slab caster
- YL112压铸铝合金YL112 die cast atuminium alloy
- 模铸机die casting machine
- 整行排铸机intertype
- 铝合金滚刷座压铸型设计Diecasting Die Design of An Al Alloy Part
- 赉诺排铸机linotype
- 压铸填充过程的理论探讨Discussion on the Theory of Mold Filling Process in Die Casting
- 平铅版洗铸机casting box
- 用于薄壁韧性结构件的压铸合金Die casting alloy for ductile, thin-walled structural parts