



  • - (人或动物等发出较大的声音) cry; shout:

    give a loud cry; shout; cry out loudly; 大叫一声

    bark; 狗叫

    - (招呼; 呼唤) call; greet:

    Your call has been put through. 你的电话叫通了。

    He was called out of town. 他被叫出城去。

    - (告诉某些人员送来所需要的东西) hire; order:

    order dishes (at a restaurant); 叫菜

    hire [call] a taxi; 叫一辆计程车

    - (名称是; 称为) name; call:

    Did a girl called Gao Hong ring up for me this morning? 今早有个叫高红的女孩给我打电话了吗?

    They all called her “Big Sister”. 他们都管她叫“大姐姐”。

    - (吩咐; 让) ask; order; bid:

    The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days. 大夫叫他卧床一两天。

    You'd better ask them round here. 你最好叫他们到这儿来。

    - (叫牌) bid:

    He bid three spades. 他叫三个黑桃。

    I bid four diamonds. 我叫四个方块。

  • - (雄性的,指某些家畜或家禽) male (animal):

    cock; rooster; 叫鸡

    jackass 叫驴

  • - (用在被动式里引进主动 者):

    The cup was taken away by Xiao Li. 杯子叫小李拿走了。

    You've guessed right. 叫你猜对了。



  1. 她把新歌剧院叫作“那讨厌的庞然大物”。
    She calls the new opera house "that hideous erection".
  2. 他无礼至极,竟然叫我傻瓜。
    He was impudent enough to call me a fool.
  3. 他叫侍者拿菜单来。
    He called the waiter to bring the menu.
  4. 驴叫声吸引了我们。
    The bray of the donkey absorbed us.
  5. 当陌生人走近时,狗叫了起来。
    The dog barked when the stranger came near.
  6. 他得意地叫了起来。
    He gave a cry of triumph.
  7. 当我说带孩子们去动物园时,他们高兴地喊叫起来。
    My children cried out with glee when I said I would take them to the zoo.
  8. 你能打电话叫醒我吗?
    Can you give me a wake-up call?


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