




使 [shǐ]
  • - (派遣; 支使) send; tell sb. to do sth.:

    send sb. to make inquiries 使人去打听消息

    - (用; 使用) use; employ; apply:

    use chemical fertilizer; 使化肥

    with everyone's thoughts and efforts directed towards one [the same] goal; 心往一处想,劲往一处使

    - (让; 叫; 致使) make; cause; enable:

    make the mountains bow and the rivers give way; 使高山低头 ,叫河水让路

    enable every student to develop morally, intellectually and physically; 使每个学生在德、智、体几方面都能得到发展

  • - (奉使命办事的人) envoy; messenger:

    be accredited to a certain country; be sent abroad as an envoy; 出使国外

    an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary; 特命全权公使

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shi Dian 使典

  • - (假如) if; supposing:

    even if; even though 纵使



  1. 我建议刚开始爬山的人使用拐杖。
    When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.
  2. 不许他们使用武器。
    They were not allowed to use arms.
  3. 环保部门要求我们使用无烟煤。
    We are required by environment protecting department to use anthracite.
  4. 我不知道怎样使用手工织布机。
    I don't know how to use a hand loom.
  5. 他不知道怎样使用计算机。
    He doesn't know how to use the computer.
  6. 他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。
    His death was a great shock to us all.
  7. 他的所作所为使他的名声得到改善。
    What he had done put him in better odor.


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