- 国外CBD建设foreign CBD construction
- 国际大都市Sub-CBD建设刍议A Primary study on the construction of Sub-CBD in the international metropolises
- 浅谈成都CBD建设及其对城市人居环境的影响Construction of CBD in Chengdu and its impacts on urban settlement environment
- 中央商务区(CBD)最早是由美国学者E·W·Burgess于1923年提出的。 在国外CBD的发展已很成熟,同国外相比,我国CBD发展较晚,还处于发展的初期或中期。Central Business Distrct was firstly created by American scholar E W Burgess in 1923. Compared to the mature development of CBD abroad, China CBS was still on emerging stage.
- 中国建设银行China Construction Bank
- 分析了上海市外滩地区的现状条件和发展制约因素,借鉴国外CBD的成功发展经验,结合外滩历史文化风貌区的保护,提出了在维护和利用外滩历史文化资源的前提下提升地区竞争力的规划对策。The paper analyzes the existing situation and factors restricted the development of the Bund. Using the successful developing experience of foreign CBD for reference, combining with the conservation of the Bund cultural and historical area, and then based on maintaining and utilizing the cultural and historical resources of the Bund, the paper puts forward the planning strategy to improve the competence of the area.
- 城市建设urban construction
- 他们的粮、棉依赖从国外进口。They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.
- 第二营即将开赴国外。The second battalion is/are going abroad.
- 建设用地construction land
- 封锁使国外食品不能运抵我们的海岸。The blockade prevented shipments of foreign food from reaching our shores.
- 全面建设小康社会build a well-off society in an all-round way
- 他在国外遭遇种种不幸。He met with adversities abroad.
- 城市维护建设税city maintenance construction tax
- 我兄弟住在国外。My brother lives overseas.
- 现代化建设modernization construction
- CBD的标准正在建立中,但标准化的基础设施组件尚未存在。Standards for CBD are being established but standardized infrastructural components do not exist.
- 他们渴望去国外旅行。They have an itch to travel abroad.
- 他派遣使者到国外去。He dispatched a messenger to go abroad.
- 重复建设building redundant project; duplication of similar projects