- 圆偏振环形V天线circular polarized loop vee
- 圆偏振环形V天线circular polarized loop vee
- 双偏振环形激光器dual-polarized ring laser
- 圆偏振半导体激光口咽部照射对高粘血症高脂血症的影响The effect of circularly polarized semiconductor laser irradiation of oral pharynx on hyperviscosity syndrome and hyperlipidemia
- 圆circle
- 圆偏振天线circular polarized antenna
- 圆的roundish
- 圆环traffic circle
- 并行馈电双环形[宽频率]天线in - line antenna
- 圆偏振滤光镜反向使用时的摄影性能The Photographic Performance of a Circular Polarizing Filter Used Inversely
- 圆管circular tube
- 环形金属橡胶隔振器弹性参数的确定Determination of Elastic Modulus of Ring-like Metal Rubber Isolator
- 圆孔round orifice
- 圆度circular degree
- 偏正Substantive and Its Modifier
- 圆棒round bar
- 圆底烧瓶round bottom flask
- 圆面disk
- 圆螺母round nut
- 圆板disk