- 在ATM网络中如何管理SLA How to Manage Service Level Agreements for ATM Networks
- 在ATM网络中采用业务流自适应分布优化控制的拥塞概率分析An Analysis of Congestion Probability in Using Adaptive Algorithm for Distributing traffics in ATM Networks
- 在ATM交换中 ,由于缓冲区造成的数据丢失是影响ATM网络性能的一个重要问题。Cell loss, which occurs when buffers overflow in ATM switches, is a key measure for the performance of an ATM network .
- ATM网络中Pareto分布的ON-OFF业务源对CBR业务时延性能的影响The Effect of Pareto Distributed ON-OFF Traffic on the Delay of CBR Services in ATM Networks
- 在本课程中,您将学习新帮助系统的工作方式,访问帮助的几种方法以及如何管理帮助窗口。In this lesson you will learn how the new Help system functions, several ways to access Help, and how to manage the Help windows.
- 排队轮在ATM交换网络中的应用Queuing Theory Applied in ATM Switching Fabrics
- 《华尔街日报》:一家公司在东京,一家在巴黎,你如何管理这两家公司呢?WSJ: How do you oversee two companies when one is based in Tokyo and the other based in Paris?
- 共享缓冲在ATM交换矩阵中的研究与应用Research and Application of Shared Buffer in ATM Switch Matrix
- 班级学习质量管理中如何应用PDCA循环How to Apply PDCA Circulation in the Management of Class Learning Quality
- ATM网络中多媒体业务的管理The Administration of Multimedia Traffic in ATM Network
- 文章对政府审计机关在审计工作中如何实现四个和谐的问题,提出了自己的观点。How did the article realize four harmonious questions to the government audit body in the audit work to propose own viewpoint.
- ATM网络中漏桶流量控制特性的研究Leaky Bucket Flow Control in ATM Network
- 如何管理好这些合并高校的档案便成为高校改革中的一个重要问题。How to manage these merging-university files well has become the key problem in high school reformation.
- 一种新的ATM网络拥塞控制方法A new method of ATM network congestion control
- 您认为有必要建立一套反埋伏营销问题的规则吗?如果有,请告诉我们将在规则中如何规定?Do you think it necessary to establish a set of rules on Anti-Ambush Marketing matters? If so, please tell us what we should stipulate in the regulations?
- “对某一男人或女人教养的考验是他们在争吵中如何表现”(乔治·伯纳德·肖)。"The test of a man's or woman's breeding is how they behave in a quarrel" (George Bernard Shaw).
- 多媒体通信及其ATM网络实现技术Multimedia Communication and Its Implementation Techniques Based on ATM Networks
- 在网络中,指由数据链路连接的或共享公共控制的设备、程序或区域。In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control.
- ATM网络多业务接入服务器接口技术的研究Research of ATM Network Interface of Multiple Services Access Server