- 在DataWindow中添加控件Add Object Control for DataWindow
- 在旧的代码隐藏模型中,如果要在标记中添加控件,必须同时访问代码隐藏页以添加实例变量。In the older code-behind model, it was not practical to add controls in the markup without having access to the code-behind to add the instance variable at the same time.
- 在此过程中,您将向应用程序中添加控件。In this procedure, you will add controls to your application.
- 如果在运行时以编程方式添加控件并指定位置范围,添加到文档中的控件嵌入到文本中。At run time, if you programmatically add a control and specify a range for the location, the control is added in line with text.
- 向WPF窗口中添加控件To add a control to the WPF window
- 在Visual Basic 6.0中,Print方法用于在窗体或PictureBox控件上显示文本。In Visual Basic 6.0, the Print method is used to display text on a form or PictureBox control.
- 向用户控件中添加代码Adding Code to a User Control
- 假设我们需要在子帧控件中嵌入一个工具条和一个状态条。Suppose we want to embed a tool bar and a status bar in a child frame.
- 向新的空白表单添加控件时,InfoPath会自动创建域和组。InfoPath automatically creates the fields and groups for you when you add controls to a new, blank form.
- 在表单中添加文件上载控件Add a file upload control to a form
- 一个可以在应用程序中触发一个命令或确定应用程序状态的控件。A control which may be used to initiate a command in an application or to toggle an application state.
- 添加控件以显示Adding controls to display data from the
- 确定希望控件完成的操作或它在应用程序中所起的作用。Determine what you want your control to accomplish, or what part it will play in your application.
- 向窗体中添加一个WinSock控件。Add a WinSock control to the form.
- 在示例运行后,可使用其“File”菜单在容器中插入控件。Once the sample is running, use its File menu to insert a control into the container.
- 在设计时添加控件Adding Controls at Design Time
- 在List Web服务器控件中添加项Adding Items in a List Web Server Control
- 在设计窗体中Adodc1控件的正上方绘制矩形,如下图所示。Draw a rectangle on the design form just above the Adodc1 control as shown in the diagram below.
- 从工具箱添加控件Adding Controls from the Toolbox
- 此事件通常用于在该控件中选定某行之后执行某项任务。This event is often used to perform a task after a row is selected in the control.