- 在IT平台上跳舞ZARA: Dancing on the IT Platform
- 参与制定部门IT平台管理流程。Participate in establishing the procedure for department IT management.
- 游行花车在一个可移动的平台上布置好的游行时可拉动或推动的展览或场景A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled or driven in a parade.
- 知识管理过程、IT平台与企业绩效关系研究Study on the Relationship among Knowledge Management Processes, IT Infrastructure, and Organizational Performance
- 平台terrace
- 我们在绿茵上跳舞,在僻静的住所晚餐,在月光下漫步於森林中We dance on the green, dine at the hermitage, and wander in the woods by moonlight .
- 这需要出现在IT市场上的支持决策的工具和成本模型。This will require a decision-support tool and cost models, which are available in the IT marketplace.
- 现在,在IT产业中解构开发代码的实践得到认可已经有一段时间了。The practice of refactoring developed code has been recognized within the IT industry for some time now.
- 一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。Some girls are dancing on the stage.
- 在IT项目管理中要牢记人的要素Remember the Human Element in IT Project Management
- 中国机械制造业不甘于在外国平台上跳舞Chinese machine manufacturing does not reconcile to dance on foreign platform
- 实物期权在IT投资中的应用评述Review on real option approach for IT investment
- 在IT维护方面减少了25%的员工必须25 Percent reduction in IT support staff requirements
- 大家都认为财政大臣佛林奈浦在拉直的绳子上跳舞跳得比全王国的任何大臣至少要高一英寸。Filmnap, the Treasurer, is allowed to cut a caper on the strait rope, at least an inch higher than any other lord in the whole empire.
- 指定在IT环境下这个系统起的作用的字符串集。A collection of strings that specify the roles this system plays in the IT-environment.
- 网络架构一般都具有复杂性和较短的生命周期,因此网络架构的设计和实施对于通信网络和相关IT平台来说,越发需要前后一致的、符合逻辑的自上而下的操作流程。Due to their complexity and short life cycles, the design and implementation of architectures for telecommunications networks and the related IT platforms requires consistent and logical top-down processes.
- 我们也可以测试需要在测试平台上安装其他产品的应用程序。We can also test applications that require other products to be installed in the test bed.
- 它将是一项联邦标准,但它将在IT界广泛实施。”It will be a federal standard, but it will be widely implemented in the IT community."
- 在火山上跳舞dance on a volcano
- 位于教堂后面莱茵河上方的平台上,老城的美丽风光尽收眼底。The terrace high above the Rhine behind the Cathedral offers a magnificent view over the Old Town.