- 在VB中制作报表Make Report Form in VB
- 在VB中通过OLE和DAO技术集成Office系列软件到应用程序中To Make Use of OLE and DAO Technology Integrate Microsoft Office Serial Software into a Application Program in Visual Basic
- 这个程序实现了一个主程序回调模式,它使用了在vb中定义的两个接口。This application implements a proprietary callback scheme using two Interfaces defined within VB.
- 这个应用程序演示了如何在VB中在一个用户绘制的图形中绘制许多数学函数。This application demonstrates how to plot a number of mathematical functions on a user-drawn graph in VB.
- 您可以使用Microsoft Office Project 2003组按多种方式对项目信息进行分类并制作报表。You can use Microsoft Office Project 2003 groups to categorize and report project information in a variety of ways.
- 供水调度系统中制作实时数据统计报表Using real-time data to make statistic reports in Water Scheduling Supply System
- 在VB中用OLE控件显示数据库中的blob数据Displaying BLOB Data of Database by OLE in Visual Basic
- 电冰箱中制作冰棒的盘子。a tray for making cubes of ice in a refrigerator.
- 基于OLE自动化技术,利用Delphi创建一个应用程序. 该程序可遍历当前数据库表中的所有数据,并从中选取有用的信息进行分类汇总,制作报表.Based on OLE automatic technology, The program can ransack all datas in the database, choose useful message to classify and make report form.
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 食物必须在卫生的环境中制作。Food must be prepared in hygienic conditions.
- 在VB中采用ODBC开发客户/服务器系统Developing Client/Server Application System by Using ODBC in VB
- 夏季,牧羊人也在山中制作奶酪。Cheese is also still made up in the mountains by herdsmen during the summer months.
- 本文介绍了在使用工业自动化软件iFIX过程中,利用iFIX自身集成的VBA标准脚本语言以及 OLE自动化技术,控制Excel制作报表以及打印报表的方法。The paper introduces the method of controlling Excel to make and print report forms with VBA and the technology of OLE automation in iFIX.
- 在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。He have treble his income during the last few years.
- 在VB中对并行口编程Programming the Parallel Ports in VB Language
- 在一块挂毯中制作、织出或描绘。To make, weave, or depict in a tapestry.
- 在过去的20年中,中国发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place in China in the last twenty years.
- 在VB中调用API函数Using API Function in Visual Basic
- PowerStow集装箱配载协调系统改写了这个历史,它可以自动完成包括计算集装箱、汇总信息、检查错误、制作彩色港口计划和制作报表在内的例行规划任务。PowerStow Container Stowage Coordination automates routine planning tasks such as counting containers, summarizing information, checking for errors, coloring bay plans, and reporting.