- 地区贸易协定(RTA)Regional Trade Agreement
- 地区贸易Regional Trade
- 区域贸易协定(RTA)RTA
- 地区贸易同盟的数目在过去十年激增。Regional trade blocs have emerged in the past decade.
- 贸易协定trade agreement
- 我们有需要确保地区贸易措施与全球自由贸易配合。We need to ensure that regional trade initiatives are compatible with global trade liberalisation.
- 南太平洋地区贸易经济合作协定Is a non-reciprocal preferential trade agreement which favours the South Pacific Forum countries. Both Australia and New Zealand are its members
- 《国际纺织品贸易协定》Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles
- 优惠贸易地区贸易和开发银行PTA Trade and Development Bank
- 北美自由贸易协定NAFTA
- 在世界贸易中一个愈来愈重要的问题,与地区贸易安排有关。An increasingly prominent issue in world trade has to do with regional arrangements.
- 这些国家正准备作为一个小组开始讨论它们之间的第一个贸易协定。The countries are about to enter upon their first trade agreement as a unit.
- 东亚国家和地区贸易、投资自由化进程的决定因素和发展趋势初探Determinative Factors and Trends of the Course of Trade and Free Investment in Eastern Asian Countries
- 《北美自由贸易协定》NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
- 这两国间的贸易协定明年期满。The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year.
- 美洲部、亚洲部(包括内地)和欧洲部分别处理香港特区与有关地区贸易伙伴的双边贸易关系。The Americas Division,the Asia Division (which covers the Mainland) and the Europe Division deal with bilateral commercial relations with the HKSAR's trading partners in their respective geographical areas.
- 自由贸易协定free trade agreement
- 英国和中国签署了贸易协定。Britain concluded a trade agreement with China.
- 英国和中国签署了贸易协定.Britain concluded a trade agreement with China.
- 结果众说纷纭:有人认为他们不如现代人聪明,也有人认为他们的语言技能不如现代人完善[译注1]或是工具不如现代人先进,甚至有人认为是因为他们不会跨地区贸易[译注2]。The extinction of Neanderthal man has been attributed variously to his having lower intelligence than modern humans, to worse language skills, to cruder tools, or even to the lack of a propensity for long-distance trade.