- 基于DSP的全数字交流伺服系统的设计Design of Whole Digit AC Servo System Based on DSP
- 基于DSP的交流伺服电机电压控制方法Voltage control method of AC servo motor based on DSP
- 基于DSP的伺服系统监控电路设计Development of Supervisory Control Circuit for Servo Control System Based on DSP
- 基于DSP的机器人视觉伺服系统研究Research on Robot Visual Servo System based on DSP
- 基于DSP的交流电量采集及其电磁兼容性能研究The Study of AC Data Acquisition and Its EMC Performance Based on DSP
- 基于DSP的交流伺服系统DSP-Based AC Servo System
- 基于DSP全数字工业缝纫机交流伺服系统DSP-based Full-Digital AC Servo System for Industrial Sewing Machine
- 基于DSP的交流异步电机闭环矢量控制系统的研究A Study on the Closed Circuit Vector Control System of AC Asynchronous Motor with DSP
- 基于DSP的总线式飞控系统A Bus-structure Flight Control System Based on DSP
- 基于DSP的陀螺加速度计伺服回路设计Design of PIGA's Servo Loop Based on DSP
- 基于DSP的实时人脸检测系统Real Time Human Face Detection System Based On DSP
- 针对某型火炮伺服系统的数字化改造,设计了一种基于单片DSP的双伺服驱动系统。This paper designs a double servo system,based on single chip DSP,in the digitization re-form of one type of cannon servo system.
- 基于DSP的视频采集系统设计Design for Video Sampling System Base on DSP
- 基于DSP交流伺服位置控制系统的研究AC Position Servo Control System Based on DSP
- 研制基于DSP的运动控制器,集成化运动控制系统,实现多自由度的协调控制。The motion controller design based on DSP and integrated motion control system.
- 基于DSP的压铸机电控系统设计A Circuit Control System Based on DSP for Die- casting Machine
- 基于DSP的舰载搜索雷达稳定平台交流伺服系统的设计Design of AC Servo Control System in Based on DSP Shipborne Search Radar Stabilized Platform
- 基于DSP的机床数控系统设计The design for CNC system based on DSP
- 基于DSP的动态称重系统的设计The Disign of Dynamic Weighing System Based on DSP
- 基于DSP的双电机调速实验系统The Double-motor Speed Regulation Experiment System Based on DSP