- 基于Linux的防火墙系统An Firewall Based on Linux
- 构建基于Linux的防火墙与入侵检测探索Set up According to the Linux Fire Wall with Invade an Examination Investigate
- 基于Linux的实时嵌入式系统在铁路车站应急联锁系统中的应用Application of real-time built-in system based on Linux in railway station emergency interlock system
- 基于RRP技术的防火墙系统的研究和实现Research and Implementation of the Firewall System Based on RRP Technique
- 把易燃或可燃物和氧化物隔开至少20英尺或半小时的防火墙。Separate flammables or combustibles from oxidizers by at least 20 feet or a half-hour firewall.
- 基于Linux的blob文件系统的实现Implementation for BLOB File System Based on Linux
- 一种基于Linux的多功能安全电子邮件服务器的设计与实现Design and Implementation of a Multi-functional Secure E-mail Server Based on Linux
- 该系统是为SED F2003防火墙系统提供一个可选的VPN功能模块,以提高该产品竞争力。The module of this system is optional one of SED F2003 firewall system.
- 基于Linux的PC集群PC Integrity Based on Linux
- 升级到最新版本,你最喜欢的桌面操作系统,其中将有完整的防火墙能力.Upgrade to the current version of your favorite desktop OS, which will have integral firewall capabilities.
- 而且,这一点也意味着Linux的文件系统在结构上适合用命令行方式进入和管理。Furthermore, this means that the Linux file system is structured to be easily manageable and accessible from the command line.
- 基于Linux的PC路由器PC Router Based on Linux System
- IP电子欺骗是网络中突破防火墙系统的一种常见的网络攻击方式。IP spoofing is one of the commonest attacking means to break through firework.
- 氧必须同可燃物和易燃物间隔至少20英尺,或者间隔一道半小时的防火墙。Oxygen must be separated from flammables and combustibles by 20 feet or a half-hour fire wall.
- 基于LINUX的嵌入式GUIEmbedded GUI Based on Linux
- Windows防火墙系统可防止对计算机资源进行未经授权的访问。The Windows Firewall system prevents unauthorized access to computer resources.
- 最初提供的产品或者应用程序可能不得不改为基于Linux 2.4发行版本。The initial offering of your product or application might have to be based on a Linux 2.4 Distribution instead.
- 是一种防火墙系统,它所提供的服务维持一种完整的连接状态和次序。Firewall system in which service is provided by processes that maintain a complete connection state and sequencing.
- 基于Linux的Web OA方案设计The Solution Of Web OA Based Linux
- 分布式防火墙系统distributed firewall