- 聚氨酯缔合型增稠剂的研制Research of Polyurethane Associative Thickener
- 非离子表面活性剂对合成活性染料印花增稠剂性能的影响Influence of the non-ionic surfactants on the property of synthetic thickeners for reactive dye printing
- 复配增稠剂natural mixed thickener
- 新型水性缔合型聚氨酯增稠剂的研制Development of a New Waterborne Associative Polyurethane Thickener
- 纺织增稠剂textile thickener
- 一种粘性物质,是羧甲基纤维素的钠盐,用作增稠剂或乳化剂。a gummy substance that is a sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose; used as a thickening or emulsifying agent.
- 玉米淀粉用玉米粒制成的淀粉,用于工业上和烹调时的增稠剂Starch prepared from corn grains, used industrially and as a thickener in cooking.
- 一种粘性物质,是羧甲基纤维素的盐,用作增稠剂或乳化剂。A gummy substance that is a sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose; used as a thickening or emulsifying agent.
- 染色剂的增稠剂Thickening agent for hair colourants
- 一种来自某种西谷椰子的粉末状淀粉,在亚洲用作食物增稠剂和纺织品硬化剂。powdery starch from certain sago palms; used in Asia as a food thickener and textile stiffener.
- 水性涂料增稠剂Thickening agent for water-based coating
- 聚氨酯增稠剂polyurethane thickener
- 来自金合欢属树木的树胶,用作增稠剂(尤其用于制蜡烛和药品)。gum from an acacia tree; used as a thickener (especially in candies and pharmaceuticals).
- 增稠媒染剂thickened mordant
- 胶乳增稠剂latex thickener
- 聚合增稠剂polymeric thickener
- 丙烯酸乳液增稠剂acrylic emulsion thickener
- 蜡增稠剂wax thickener
- 乳胶增稠剂latex thickener