- 处理CMYKWorking cmyk
- 数据处理data processing
- 未处理的unsettled
- CMYK变换CMYK transformation
- CMYK色彩空间CMYK color space
- 表面处理superficial treatment
- 颜色:CMYK四色,白色为选择色。Color: CMYK, white as optional.
- 后处理post treatment
- 污水处理sewage disposal
- 方法:以空泡状细胞核为目标,采用在CMYK模式下的多层分割法分割病理图像;Method: With vacuole nucleus as the subject, use multilayer segmentation algorithm to segment pathologic images in the CMYK mode.
- 图像处理image processing
- 处理方法processing method
- 防腐处理embalmment
- 水处理water treatment
- 文件处理file manipulation
- 事务处理transaction processing
- 处理问题handling problem
- 处理方式mode of processing
- 处理数据processing data
- 待处理请求pending request