- 头颅侧位X线片检查lateral head extraoral radiographic examination; profile extraoral radiographic examination
- 面部侧位X线片检查lateral facial extraoral radiographic examination
- X线头颅侧位片Cephalometric radiograph
- 下颌骨侧位X线片检查lateral jaw extraoral radiographic examination
- 拍摄X线头颅侧位片时自然头位可重复性好 ,SN THP和FH THP前后对比差异皆无统计学意义 (P >0 .5 ) ;NHP showed a satisfactory repeatability, and no statistical differences were found between radiographic measurement of SN-THP and FH-THP respectively in different time (P>0.01).
- 头颅侧位片Lateral cephalometric radiograph
- 颈椎动态斜位X线片测量在神经根型颈椎病诊断中的临床应用Diagnosis and therapy of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy by dynamic oblique X-ray
- 粪便pH和涂片检查肠道菌群失调的研究及意义The investigation and significance by examining pH value and smear of dejecta for intestinal flora maladjustment
- 功能性矫治前后头颅侧位片线距测量的临床意义Clinical Significance of Skull Lateral Film Before and After Functional Correction
- 非X线监视without X-monitoring
- 钼靶X线检查x-ray mammography
- X线透视fluoroscopy
- 腰椎侧位斜扳法的改良及规范操作The improvement of oblique wrenching of the lumbar vertebrae and its manipulation norms
- 特种X线sp.xr
- 长焦距髁突经咽侧位定位摄影架的研究The investigation of long distance projection of transpharyngeal projection
- BDL-10绕线片感测试编带机开发中的体会Experience of BDL-10 L Test and Tape Machine
- 体腔X线管endodiascope
- 胎盘X线摄影radiographic xlacentography
- 方法通过解剖学方法对五指山系小型猪主要咀嚼肌的形态、起止点、肌力方向进行测量,并通过头颅侧位片的测量,对小型猪上下颌后牙长轴倾斜性进行研究。Methods By means of anatomy,the shapes, start-stop points and orientations of muscle of major masticatory muscles of miniature pigs were measured.
- 远距X线照片teleroentgenogram