



  • - (喜欢; 喜爱) like; love; be fond of:

    like to show off; 好表现

    be modest and eager to learn; 虚心好学

    - (易于) be liable to:

    apt to lose one's temper; 好发脾气

    be subject to colds; 好伤风

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Hao Qian 好谦

  • - (优点多的; 使人满意的) good; fine; nice:

    a nice girl; 好姑娘

    a good year; 好年成

    nice [lovely] weather; 好天气

    good news; 好消息

    fine sons and daughters of the people; 人民的好儿女

    It's nice of you to help him. 你帮他的忙, 真太好了。

    The crops are doing well. 庄稼长得真好。



  1. 一切都会好的。
    Everything will be right.
  2. 吸烟对你的健康没有好处。
    Smoking is not good for your health.
  3. 你干得很好。
    You did a good job.
  4. 你今天过得好吗?
    Did you have a good day today?
  5. 我的身体状况很好。
    I'm in good shape.
  6. 还好你们走了另一条路。
    It is just as well that you took another road.
  7. 我要把我的衣服好好刷一下。
    I'll give my coat a good brush.
  8. 很好,谢谢你。
    All right, thank you.


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