



  • - (完整的东西受到损伤) be broken; be damaged:

    have a hole in one's shirt; 衬衫破了一个洞

    be scared out of one's wits; 吓破了胆

    - (使损坏) break; break down; damage:

    break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing); 破釜沉舟

    The thief broke into the house. 窃贼破门而入。

    - (使分裂; 劈开) break; split; cleave; cut:

    cleave [cut, plough] through the waves; 破浪前进

    like splitting a bamboo; 势如破竹

    - (把整的换成零的) change (money):

    Break the ten-yuan note, please. 把这10元的票子破开。

    A five-dollar bill changes into five one-dollar bills. 一张5美元的钞票破成5张一美元的钞票。

    - (突破) break; break through:

    break the world record; 破世界纪录

    break through the heavy encirclement 突破重围

    - (破除) get rid of; destroy; break with:

    break with outmoded customs and establish new ones 破旧俗,立新风

    - (打败; 攻下) defeat; capture (a city, etc.):

    the day the city fell; 城破之日

    inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy 大破敌军

    - (花费) spend:

    spend money 破钞

    - (使真相露出; 揭穿) expose the truth of; lay bare:

    see through; 看破

    get to the heart of the matter in a few words; puncture a fallacy with one remark 一语道破

  • - (破旧) broken; damaged; torn; worn-out:

    rags; 破布

    a dilapidated [tumbledown] house; 破房子

    - (讥讽质量等不好) poor; bad; paltry; lousy; shabby:

    Who wants to see that poor film! 谁看那个破电影!

    To settle a simple matter like this won't take more than two minutes. 这点破事两分钟就办完了。



  1. 我父母发现窗子被打破后,一定会有一番斥责。
    There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.
  2. 你知道谁打破了窗户?
    Do you know who broke the window?
  3. 我们只能做些较小的让步,但这就可能打破僵局。
    We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock.
  4. 这个瓶上的密封纸破开了。
    The seal on this bottle is broken.
  5. 这间屋子里放了一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具。
    There is an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture in this room.
  6. 我能破译这个箱子的密码。
    I can break the code of this box.
  7. 这颗足球的球胆破了。
    The bladder of the football is broken.
  8. 前一代人制造出来的空洞理论,下一代人把它们打破。
    One generation blows bubbles, and the next breaks them.


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