- 宏与VBa在Word中的巧用Skillful Uses of Macroprocessor and VBa in Word
- 密码保护在Word与Excel中的实施方式不同,并且可能会影响您的开发过程。Password protection is handled differently in Word and Excel, and can affect your development process.
- 中的mesne
- OFFICE中的宏与宏病毒Macro and Macro Virus for Office
- Visual Studio宏与Visual Studio之间的功能差异Functionality Differences Between Visual Studio Macros and Visual Studio
- 则在新的工作表中插入一个数据透视图,这与我们刚才在Word中看到的情况相似(见图12)。A PivotChart report is inserted into a new worksheet similar to the one we saw earlier in Word (see Figure 12).
- 如果没有地址列表,可以在Word中创建一个,然后打印标签。Or, if you don't have an address list, you can create one in Word and then print labels.
- 那个候选人自从最近作了一次讲演以后在公众心目中的地位提高了。That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
- 一条宏指令,它可以使控制程序建立一个新任务,并指出在新任务激活时控制程序中的入口点。A macro instruction that causes the control program to create a new task and i ndicates the entry point in the program to be given control when the new task becomes active.
- 本联盟在该项共同支出中的摊款应与本联盟在其中所享的利益成比例。The share of the Union in such common expenses shall be in proportion to the interest the Union has in them.
- 将鼠标指针放在某个Word 2003菜单或按钮上即可了解它在Word 2007中的新位置。Rest the mouse pointer over a Word 2003 menu or button to learn its new location in Word 2007.
- 立体足迹造型与识别系统技术及在法庭诉讼中的证据作用The identification system of three-dimensional footprint model and its role as evidence in a court trial
- 在Word中,您可以连接到存储在多种程序(如Excel、Outlook和Access)中的地址列表。From Word, you can connect to address lists stored in a variety of programs, such as Excel, Outlook, and Access.
- 论国际法在维护21世纪世界和平与促进共同发展中的作用On the Role of International Law in Maintaining Peace and Promoting General Development in the 21st Cnetury
- 三维超声成像技术在宫内节育器定型与定位诊断中的应用The use of three-dimensional ultrasound imaging in detecting the type and location of intrauterine contraceptive device
- 要查看该命令或按钮在Word 2007中的位置的动画效果,只需单击该命令或按钮即可。To see an animation of the location of the command or button in Word 2007, just click it.
- 黑暗世界中的狼人与我们平时在电影中见到的不太一样。The werewolves of the World of Darkness aren't quite what one would expect from the movies.
- 恶疫霉有性杂交个体在土壤中的越冬存活与腐生定殖能力Overwintering survival and saprophytic colonization on hosttissue of hybrids from sexual outcrossing of Phytophthora cactorum in soil
- 选择成功式教学模式在网球发球技术教学中的实践与研究Practice and research by using Successful teaching method in tennis ball serving teaching in Bohai University