- 室外火灾<发生在室外outside fire
- 火灾fire
- 室外outdoor
- 室外的extraventricular
- 发生火灾breaking out of fire
- 森林火灾造成了巨大的损失。The combustion in the forest generated great damage.
- 我喜欢室外运动。I like outdoor sports.
- 香烟的火星引起这场火灾。A cigarette spark started the fire.
- 室外活动outdoor activity
- 森林火灾forest-fire
- 室外机off-premises station
- 应该尽一切可能预防火灾。Everything should be done in order to prepare against fire.
- 我看到她从室外走进来。I saw her coming in from the outdoors.
- 我们一定要当心火灾。We must watch for fires.
- 有几个街头演说者在室外音乐台边上试讲。A few soapbox orators are tuning up near the bandstand.
- 火灾自动报警系统automatic fire alarm system
- 室外热湿参数parameter for external temperature and humidity
- 高火灾隐患high-hazard contents
- 在新英格兰,室外游泳池只能在夏天使用,但室内游泳池能终年使用。In New England an out door pool can be used only in the summer but an indoor pool makes swimming a year-round sport.
- 许多人聚集在火灾现场。A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.