- 室女座W型星W Virginis stars
- 室女座W型变星W Virginis variables
- 室女座Ax的光电观测及光度解Photoelectric Observations and Photometric Analysis of Ax Vir
- 室女W型星W Vir variable
- 座to sit
- 本星系团和例如室女座星系团等附近星系团,便组成了称为The Local Group and some nearby clusters, like the Virgo Cluster, form a supercluster called the
- 活动双星和dMe型星(猎犬RS型星,dMe型星,大陵五,激变变星,大熊W型星,活动超巨星);active binaries and dMe stars (RS CVn stars; dMe stars; Algol; cataclysmic variables; W UMa stars; active supergiants);
- 如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius, Gemini, or Virgo, Wednesday is your lucky day.
- 白羊座Aries
- 户型house type
- 北斗七星Triones
- 笔型pen type
- 多星starry
- 射手座sagittarius
- M100是室女座中2500个河外星系(估计)的一个,该星系天文业余爱好者可观测。M100 is a member of the huge Virgo cluster of an estimated2,500 galaxies.
- W型铁氧体W-type ferrite
- 七星seven stars
- 整型integer
- 摩羯座Capricornus
- 室女Virgo