



  • - (冷) cold:

    suffer [live in] hunger and cold; be poverty-stricken; 饥寒交迫

    catch a slight cold; 受了一点寒

    - (害怕; 畏惧) afraid; fearful; tremble (with fear):

    be terrified; 胆寒

    be bitterly disappointed 心寒

    - (贫困) poor; needy:

    in indigent circumstances; poverty-stricken 贫寒

    - (谦辞:寒微的)humble:

    my humble home 寒舍

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Han Lang 寒朗



  1. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
    The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone.
  2. 小洞穴是唯一的避寒处。
    A small cave was the only refuge from the cold.
  3. 我看到雪激动得连寒冷都不在乎了。
    I was so excited to see snow that I was indifferent to the cold.
  4. 沿海地区的冬天天气暖和,可是相比之下中部平原却异常寒冷。
    The coastal areas have mild winters, but by contrast the central plains become extremely cold.
  5. 松树不畏严寒。
    The pine trees defy severe cold.
  6. 寒冷的冬天,我们不得不穿毛织品。
    We have to wear woolen clothes in the cold winter.
  7. 寒冷的天气抑制了植物的生长。
    Cold weather constrains the plant's growth.
  8. 林肯总统出身贫寒。
    President Lincoln was born poor.


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