



  • - (物体内部分子不规则运动放出的一种能) heat:

    conduct heat; 传热

    fission heat; 裂变热

    - (生病引起的高体温) fever; temperature:

    have [run] a fever; 发热

    rheumatic [scarlet] fever; 风湿[猩红]热

    - (某些事物风行) craze; fad; fever:

    computer fever; 电子计算机热

    English fever; 英语热

  • - (温度高) hot:

    hot water; 热水

    Awfully hot, isn't it? 非常热,是不是?

    - (情意深厚) ardent; warmhearted:

    be neither cold nor warm (towards sb.); take a lukewarm attitude; 采取不冷不热的态度

    ardently wish; fervently hope; 热望

    - (形容羡慕并想得到) envious; eager:

    feel envious at the sight of sth. 眼热

    - (放射性强) thermal:

    thermomagnetic; 热磁

    thermal neutron 热中子

    - (受很多人欢迎的) in great demand; popular:

    goods in great demand; goods which sell well 热货

  • - (使热; 加热) heat up; warm up; warm:

    heat up the milk; 把牛奶热一下

    Warm up the dish before you eat it. 把菜热热再吃。



  1. 酷热使建筑物上的油漆起了浮泡。
    The heat had blistered the paint of the building.
  2. 金属遇热则膨胀。
    If metal gets hot it expands.
  3. 这种炎热的天气在夜晚尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。
    The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.
  4. 炎热天气一直持续到十月。
    The hot weather extended into October.
  5. 房间里热得她头晕目眩。
    The room was so hot that she felt dizzy.
  6. 今天不想昨天那么冷/热。
    It's not as cold / hot as it was yesterday.
  7. 本周气温一直都很热。
    The temperature has stayed hot this week.
  8. 水被加热时,可以变成水蒸汽。
    Water can be changed into vapor when heated.
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