- 对国内T恤文化的思考Thinking about Chinese T-Shirt Culture
- 对世界杯足球赛经济效应的思考--兼谈中国足球出线后对国内足球产业发展的拉动作用Discussion on Economical Effect in the World Cup--On the Stimulating Function of Development of Domestic Football Industry
- 教育回归生命本原--对生育文化及其所承载教育价值的思考Education Come Back To Life--Thinking on The Culture of Birth and Its Educational Values
- 中国文化的Sinitic
- 总理似乎对国内发生的事浑然不知。The premier seemed to be in entire ignorance of what was going on in his country.
- 保持我们文化的多元性Maintain our cultural diversity
- 简述中国加入WTO对国内公路行业的影响Discuss with influence for domestic road vocation when China add to WTO system
- 关于构建电大出版社企业文化的思考The thinking about structuring the corporate culture of publishing house of Radio and TV University
- 欧元现钞流通后对国内企业国际结算的影响Effect of Euromoney cash circulation on international settlement of domestic enterprises
- 三论中医基础理论之现代研究--关于坚持中医药学科的主体性与现代多学科研究的思考Discussion on Modern Research of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine--Thought of modern multi-disciplinary study and persevering in principal character of TCM and pharmacology
- 关于马拉维、马拉维人、马拉维文化的,或有其特点的。relating to or characteristic of Malawi or its people or culture.
- 鱼粉进口价格大幅上扬对国内饲养业影响深远The import price of fish meal go up greatly, which influence domestic feeding profoundly
- 汉字的象形特性,对激发孩童的思考能力有帮助。The pictographic nature of Chinese characters helps to stimulate the thinking faculty of children.
- 现代租赁业对国内印刷业的影响及其发展趋势Effect of Modern Lease Trade on Domestic Printing Industry
- 关于东亚法治文化的几点思考On the Culture of the Rule of Law in East Asia
- 申请调查进口产品的数量和价格对国内产业的影响;The impacts of the quantity and price of the imported products under application for investigation to the domestic industry;
- 关于丰富老年文化生活的思考On Enriching Senior Citizens'Cultural Lives
- 民俗研究对民间知识和文化的比较研究The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture.
- 浅析电动自行车的发展对国内城市交通结构的影响Discussion on Effect from the Development of Electric Bicycle on Traffic Configuration in Domestic Cities
- 中国入世后企业文化再造的思考On the Rebuilding of Corporate Culture for Chinese Enterprises after China's WTO Entry