- 对面的女孩看过来IICome on, girl II
- 看to look after
- 过(surname)
- 来,过来美人,来,,给我,美丽的女孩Come on. Come here girl. C'mon gimme some love girl
- "她没有给我回信。事实是,她甚至没有看过我的信。"She didn't answer my letter. The fact is she didn't even read it.
- 他教女孩看书写字。He taught the girl to read and write.
- 可爱的女孩拿着信来到他的门前,来的次数之多不可胜数,以至于他们之间萌发了一种友谊。It was uncountable times that the lovely girl walked up to his door with a letter that almost a friendship had sprouted between them.
- 一辆吉普车从对面开过来。A jeep is heading straight for us.
- 中国女孩看美国Looking at America memoirs of a Chinese girl
- 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.
- 你是用英语思考呢,还是在头脑中把自己的语言翻译过来呢?Do you think in English or translate mentally from your own language?
- 那儿的那女孩看起来像个电影明星。The girl over there looks like a movie star.
- 这个女孩看着我,不说话。The little girl looked at me and kept silent.
- 我们的小儿子在玩拼板游戏时,我丈夫总是急于想接过来完成它。When our young son is struggling with a jigsaw puzzle my husband always has itchy fingers and wants to take over and finish it.
- 他发现这女孩看雷锋故事都有看入神了。He found the girl absorbed in the reading of Lei Feng's stories.
- 我告诉那个被困在电梯里的女孩马上就会有人来帮忙的。I told the girl stuck on the lift help was on its way.
- 我是克拉克·盖博的影迷,我看过他演的所有影片。I am a Clark Gable nut: I have seen all his films.
- 胖胖的脸颊让那小女孩看起来好可爱。The little girl is lovely with chubby cheeks.
- 山:加利·格兰特会打电话说“过来看看我的‘斯沃奇斯’表”吗?Sa: Carey Grant would call up and say, "Come over and look at my Swatches." ? "Come over and look at my Swatches."?
- 在等车的时候,这个女孩看一本杂志。While waiting for the bus, the girl read a magazine.