- 您的应用程序对XML列执行数据检索,并且不需要XML列的XML索引。Your application performs data retrieval on the XML column and does not require an XML index on the XML column.
- 对XML列的全文索引Full-Text Index on an XML Column
- XML列可以用于XML索引中The XML column can be used in an XML index
- SQL Server中的全文搜索现在支持对XML数据类型创建全文索引以及对其进行全文查询。Full-text search in SQL Server now supports the creation of full-text indexes on, and full-text queries against, the XML data type.
- 以下SQL视图定义对关系列pk和从XML列中检索到的书作者创建XML视图The following SQL view definition creates an XML view over a relational column, pk, and book authors retrieved from an XML column
- 以下示例将返回名为Cat_Desc的全文目录中的全文索引项数目。The following example returns the number of full-text indexed items in a full-text catalog named Cat_Desc.
- 查询类型化的xml列或变量时,可以包含布尔类型的节点。When querying typed xml columns or variables, you can have nodes of Boolean type.
- 可以从XML列中搜索目标邮政编码,并相应地限制返回的结果集。You can search the XML column for the target zip code and restrict the returned result set accordingly.
- 指定在数据库分离操作过程中不会删除与正在被分离的数据库关联的全文索引文件。Specifies that the full-text index file associated with the database that is being detached will not be dropped during the database detach operation.
- 请接受我们对你及你全家的美好祝福,祝你们新年快乐。Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy New Year.
- 如果WITH子句中的列是类型化的XML列并且XML实例不符合架构,将返回错误。In case the column in the WITH clause is a typed XML column and the XML instance does not confirm to the schema, an error is returned.
- 您可以配置的功能之一是希望对XML数据强制的一致性级别。One of the features that you can configure is the level of conformance you wish to enforce on the XML data.
- 如何从表中删除全文索引(SQL Server Management Studio)How to: Remove a Full-Text Index from a Table (SQL Server Management Studio)
- 通过对这些的研究,我们了解了大量有关地球的内部情况。It was from the study of these that so much was learnt about the interior of the earth.
- 搜索以基于字符的指定文本、字词或短语为前缀的列的全文查询。Full-text query searching for those occurrences where the specified words are close to one another.
- 还需要对XML有一定了解,至少能阅读和手工编写XML文件。You also need to understand XML at least to the extent of being able to manually read and write XML files.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 阐明了全文索引也可应用于索引视图。Clarified that full-text indexes can also be applied on indexed views.
- 选择“是”将继续操作并禁用该列的全文搜索。Choose Yes to proceed with the operation and disable full-text searches of this column.
- “App_Data”文件夹具有的权限允许网页对XML文件进行读写数据的操作。The App_Data folder has permissions set on it that will allow the Web page to read and write data to the XML file.