- 小心VPXiaoxin VP
- 小心careful
- 不小心heedless
- 小心的careful
- 小心轻放handle with care
- 小心地warily
- "董事长今天要来仓库参观,所以你们要小心点,准备回答任何问题。""The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 不小心的neglectful
- 不小心地imprudently
- 你用这把锋利的刀子必须很小心。You must be very careful with this sharp knife.
- 小心点do care
- 爸爸开车一直十分小心。Dad always drives with caution.
- 把打好了的鸡蛋小心地加进面粉里去。Fold the beaten egg in the flour.
- 谨慎小心keep one's eyes peeled
- 她不小心把墨水溅在我衣袖上。She accidentally splashed ink on my sleeve.
- 小心地拿住它。Hold it gently.
- 小心不要把船弄翻。Be careful not to capsize the boat.
- 他不小心把普通字写错了。He carelessly miswrites common words.
- 小心路滑slippery
- 小心碰头Mind Your Head