- 尖晶石LiCoxMn2-xO4spinel LiCoxMn2-xO4
- 尖晶石LiCrxMn2-xO4spinel LiCrxMn2-xO4
- 尖晶石LiNixMn2-xO4spinel LiNi0.5Mn15O4
- 尖晶石spinelle
- 尖晶石型CoM_2O_4和NiM_2O_4(M=Fe,Al,Cr)晶体的助熔剂法生长GROWTH OF CoM_2O_4 AND NiM_2O_4(M=Fe,Al,Cr)SPINEL OXIDES BY FLUX METHOD
- 该产品是基于铁铝尖晶石和特殊烧结技术而发展的新一代“重型”镁质砖。This is a development of a new generation of "heavy duty" magnesia brick based on HERCYNITE SPINEL and special burning technology.
- 玫红尖晶石一种用作半宝石的玫瑰红到橙红色的晶石,以前曾被混淆为红宝石a rose-red to orange spinel used as a semiprecious gem,once confused with the ruby
- 镍铁尖晶石基惰性阳极属于高温半导体材料,在铝电解过程中其电导率不能满足要求.The inert anode of NiFe_2 O_4 spinel is of semi-conductor materials, but it couldn't meet the need of inert anode for aluminum electrolysis.
- 镁铬尖晶石magnesium chromite
- 一种浅玫瑰色的尖晶石。a pale rose-colored variety of the ruby spinel.
- 尖晶石陶瓷spinel ceramics
- 绿尖晶石chlorospinel
- 锰尖晶石jacobsite
- 正尖晶石normal spinel
- 橙尖晶石rubicelle
- 钛尖晶石titanspinel
- 钴尖晶石cobalt spinel
- 锆尖晶石zirconium spinel
- 尖晶石类spinels
- 尖晶石型spine