- 就绪ready
- 准备就绪be all set
- 我希望一切准备妥当。I wish everything ready.
- 依我看,这计划不够妥当。In my opinion, the scheme is unsound.
- 这炮已装上火药,准备就绪。The gun was primed and ready.
- 我们旅行的所有事项都安排妥当了吗?Have all our travel arrangements been properly teed up?
- 她这次旅行的行李已准备就绪。All her luggage was in readiness for the trip.
- 将事情料理妥当to fix things right
- 典礼的各项安排都已就绪。Arrangements for the ceremony have been put in train.
- 怎么办最妥当?What was the most advisable thing to be done?
- 一手准备就绪。Everything is in readiness.
- 在目前阶段就通知他们很不妥当.It would be inexpedient to inform them at this stage.
- 资金尚未就绪。The funds are not forthcoming.
- 为什么这些同志作出这种不妥当的估计呢?Why do these comrades make such an unsound appraisal?
- 安排就绪put it all together
- 一切妥当?All set?
- 为这次访问所做的准备工作一切就绪。Everything is in gear for the visit.
- 我们没有足够的时间把这件事办妥当。We do not have sufficient time to do this thing properly.
- 一切就绪all ready
- 你把一切都安排妥当了吗?Have you got everything properly jacked up?