- 尿压素Iurotensin I
- 尿压素urotensin
- 膀胱排尿压vesical micturition pressure
- 尿压素 Iurotesin I(降压药)
- 素plain
- 所有接受实验室培育膀胱的病人天生有一种膀胱疾病,这种病会引起高尿压,对肾脏产生致命的危害。All of the patients receiving the lab-grown bladders were born with a bladder disease that causes high urinary pressure and can lead to life-threatening damage to the kidney.
- 白细胞介素IIL - 1
- 带压素pherentasin
- 像素pixel
- 血管紧张素I转换酶抑制剂angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
- 压克力acryl
- 糖尿glycosuria
- 稳压器manostat
- 泌尿urination
- 压板textile board
- 肾上腺素adrenalin
- 排尿micturition
- 护发素hair conditioner
- 耐压pressure-proof
- 尿液urine