- 嵌入式串行EEPROM研究The Research of Embeded Serial EEPROM
- 嵌入式串行EEPROM存储器已成为当今许多片上系统解决方案的一个重要组成部分。The application of series EEPROM has become an important component of SOC in the embedded systems.
- 首先对一种嵌入式串行EEPROM进行了研究,存储容量为4K×8,考虑到可移植性,兼容性,以及体积,成本等因素,采用了串行数据I/O。This article researches a kind of embeded serial EEPROM. Memory capacitance is 4K multiplied by 8.In view of transplant compatibility as well as volume and cost etc factors,we chooses serial data I/O.
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 串行EEPROM研究与设计Research and Design of a Serial EEPROM
- 电力抄表系统的握手式串行通信协议的研究Research on Handshaking Serial Communication Protocol for Electrical Meter Reading System
- 串行EEPROM的接口方式及应用Serial EEPROM Interface Modes and Usage
- 陈耀,博士,讲师,清华大学电子工程专业毕业。主要研究方向:嵌入式系统。Chen Yao, Ph.D, is lecturer, graduated from Tsinghua University in Electronic Engineering. His research interests are mainly in the area of computer simulation and hardware development.
- 串行EEPROM中数据文件系统的建立The Construction of a Serial EEPROM Data Files System
- 击打式串行打印机impact serial printer
- MSP430系列单片机与串行EEPROM的接口Interface of MSP430 Series Singlechip and Serial EEPROM
- FoxPro中内嵌式串行实时通讯技术Technique of Serial Real Time Communication Embedded in Application System by FoxPro
- 嵌入式Linux系统中触摸屏驱动的研究The investigation of Touch Screen Panel driving program in embedded Linux system
- 喷浆机械手分布计算机系统光电隔离式串行接口设计The Design of Photoelectric-isolated Serial Interface of Shotcrete Manipulator Distributed Computer System
- 分布式实时嵌入式系统任务调度研究On Job-Scheduling in a Distributed Real-Time Embedded System
- 32位ARM嵌入式火灾报警控制器的研究The study of 32-digit ARM embedded fire alarm controller
- 嵌入式高分辨率VGA图像显示方法研究The study of the embedded high resolution VGA display method
- 嵌入式应用软件设计方法学研究综述Overviews on Design Methodologies for Embedded Software
- 嵌入式工业以太网控制方案的研究。Research of Control Scheme for Embedded Industrial Ethernet.
- 基于嵌入式圆度测量系统及应用研究Research of Embedded SPC Based Roundness Measurement System