- 工业炉CAD系统CAD systems for industrial furnaces
- 系统system
- 燃气系统:从车间外墙外1米处的接点至工业炉的燃气管道。Gas system: gas pipe line from the joint at 1m from the workshop outside wall to industrial furnaces.
- 系统的systemic
- 炉stove
- 基于DBMS集成的工业炉参数化CAD方法CAD Method of Industrial Furnace Parameterization Based on DBMS (Data Base Management System) Integration
- 信息系统information system
- 物料装卸工业机械手CAD系统The CAD System of Mechanical Hand in Material Assmbled and Unassembled
- 国际贸易展,工业炉,热处理及热加工国际铸造和冶金商展International Trade Show on Industrial Furnaces, Heat Treatment and Thermal Process - International Foundry and Metallurgy Trade Show
- CAD系统CAD system
- 自流耐火材料的流变学机理研究及其在工业炉窑中的应用The Rheologic Mechanism of Free-Flowing Refractory and Its Application in Industrial Furnaces
- 服装CAD系统clothing CAD system
- 粘土质耐火泥浆用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业炉砌筑粘土砖;Clay refractory mortars widely used for clay brick masonry in blast furnaces, hot air stoves coke ovens, reheating furnaces and other industry furnaces.
- 异构CAD系统heterogeneous CAD systems
- 摘要气孔率是现代工业炉用浇注料的一种重要性能指标。Porosity is an important property for castables applicated at modem industrial furnaces.
- 基于模板的冷冲模CAD系统Die CAD system based on template
- 炼钢工业炉industrial furnaces of steel-making
- 深孔薄壁件挤压模CAD系统Extrusion die CAD system of deeper hole and thinner wall parts
- 高铝质耐火泥浆用于高炉、热风炉及其它工业炉砌筑高铝砖。High aluminum refractory mortars widely used for aluminum brick masonry in blast furnaces ,hot air stoves coke ovens , reheating furnaces and other industry furnaces.
- 华铸CAD系统Huazhu CAD system