- 工作许可制度PTWpermit to work (PTW)
- 答:在部颁《电业安全工作规程》的工作许可制度中规定,工作许可人与工作人员交待安全措施时,工作许可人只向工作负责人一人交待。Answer: Promulgate in the ministry " rules of work of electric job security " the regulation in working license system, when the job permits person and staff member to explain a safety precaution, the job allows a person to working controller one person is explained.
- 制度(political) system or institution
- 规章制度bylaw
- 无论短期还是长期的工作许可签证费用都是3,200元人民币。The visa fee is 3,200 RMB for both short-term and long-term work permits.
- 制度的institutional
- 工作许可work permit
- 摘要建设项目水资源论证是取水许可制度服务的,是一项科学性很强的工作。Water resources argumentation is basic work for the water permit system.
- 我已从移民局获得工作许可。I have had a working permit from the immigration office.
- 第3005条确立的许可制度,是针对处置场的关键执行标准。A permit system established under section 3005 is the key enforcement provision for disposal sites.
- 这种形式的工作许可是签发给申请人个人的,而不是给雇主的。Permission to be employed in this manner is issued to an individual, as opposed to an employer.
- 中国的出口许可制度按照《出口许可制度暂行办法》管理。China's export licencing system was administered in accordance with the "Interim Procedures for the Export Licencing System".
- 你有工作许可吗?Dio you have a work permit?
- 许可制度licensing system
- 转换成为工作许可签证Switching into Work Permit Employment
- 上诉许可制度The requirement for leave to appeal
- 有关工作许可方面的咨询Employment under a work permit
- 出进口许可制度export and import licensing system
- 直到上周我才拿到工作许可。Not until last week did I get a work permit.
- 在这种情况下完全取消外贸企业许可制度导致外贸领域的混乱。the total abandonment of the foreign trade enterprise licensing system would lead to chaos in the foreign trade arena.