- 平板CRT的进展Development of the Flat-Panel CRT
- 平板CRT概况Status of Flat Panel CRT
- 商品化新型平板CRTA New Commercial Flat CRT
- 这个项目的进展缓慢,因为委托人每个阶段都提出问题。Progress on the project is slow because the client raises problems at every turn.
- 进展to make headway
- 平板显示与CRT的发展近况及趋势State Art and Trends of Flat Panel Displays and CRTs
- 由于多个组织在努力开发更平的CRT,CRT的占地面积将继续压缩。As organizations work to develop flatter CRTs,the foot-print of the CRT will continue to shrink.
- 新工作的进展如何?How is the new job shaping up?
- 平板tablet
- CRT的现状及未来State Art and Trends of the CRT
- 本文回顾了自布朗管诞生至今CRT 的百年历史,分析了CRT的发展方向。The history of the CRT since the Braun tube has been invented is reviewed. The CRT ?s Future is also discussed.
- 事情的进展course of events
- 基于CRT的证书状态服务的研究与实现Research and Implementation of CRT-based Certificate Status Service
- CRT的防眩防静电技术Anti-glare and Anti-electrostatic Technology in CRT Manufacturing
- 大雨妨碍了我们的进展。The heavy rain retarded our progress.
- 穿透型彩色CRT的特点和应用The Characteristics and Applications of Penetrations Color CRT
- 如果你没有明确的目标,你可能工作很长时间而全无进展。If you don't have a clear aim, you can work a long time and still be going in circles.
- 他对我们工作的进展很满意。He is very pleased with the progress we are making.
- 由于多个组织在努力开发更平的CRT,CRT的占地面积将继续缩校As organizations work to develop flatter CRTs, the foot-print of the CRT will continue to shrink.
- 医学研究取得了很大的进展。Great strides have been made in medical research.