- 平衡Winnow算法balanced Winnow algorithm
- Winnow算法Winnow algorithm
- 保持良好的平衡对舞蹈演员非常重要。Good poise is important for a dancer.
- 渔夫失去了平衡,一头栽进海里。The fisherman lost his balance and pitched into the sea.
- K-P算法K-P calculation
- 这个天平不平衡.This pair of scales is not in equilibrium.
- KKR算法KKR calculation
- 恢复平衡redress the balance
- 逼近算法approximate algorithm
- 电解质不平衡electrolyte imbalance
- "分裂和合并" 算法split-and-merge algorithm
- 改正不平衡现象aright the imbalance
- 按序算法sequential algorithm
- 编译算法compiling algorithm
- 这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡?Do the firm's accounts balance?
- 我身体失去平衡,摔了一跤。I lost my balance and fell.
- 标准算法canonical algorithm
- 并行算法parallel algorithms
- 在稳定性和变化性之间通常很难找到适当的平衡。It is often difficult to find a proper equilibrium between stability and variability.
- 某些耳疾会影响人的平衡能力。Certain ear diseases can affect one's equilibrium.