- 广义Fibonacci数列的极限The Limit of Generalized Suite of Fibonacci
- 根据广义Fibonacci数列,得到临界状态时的分形维数D_t(p,q)=In N/2ln,其中p、q是与人类活动、环境因素有关的参数.According to the generalized Fibonacci series, the fractal dimention, Df(p,q)=lnN/2ln( ) is obtained for thecritical state, here p and q are the parameters relating to the human activity and the natural environment conditions.
- Lucas数列和Fibonacci数列的几个性质Some properties of Lucas sequence and Fibonacci sequence
- 广义Fibonacci排列generalized Fibonacci sequence
- 广义Fibonacci多项式generalized Fibonacci polynomials
- Lucas数列和Fibonacci数列的几个数值性质Some Numerical Properties of Lucas Sequence and Fibonacci Sequence
- 应用高应变动力试桩法确定桩端土的极限承载力是动力触探领域中的一种好方法。The application of high-strain dynamic tentative piling technique to determining limited bearing capacity of pile endpoint soil is a good method in the field of dynamic depth detection.
- 关于涉及广义Fibonacci-Lucas数的一些级数和注记(英文)Notes on Certain Series Involoving Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers
- Fibonacci数列Fibonacci sequence
- 卡德罗夫早已在试探他的权威的极限;尽管莫斯科否认,他的人不时同联邦军队发生混战。Mr Kadyrov is already testing the limits of his authority; though Moscow denies it, his men sometimes scuffle with federal troops.
- 关于Fibonacci数列与Lucas数列的结构性质On the Structural Properties of Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- k级Fibonacci数列k-order Fibonacci' s series
- 比率估计值的极限分布limiting distribution of ratio estimate
- 关于Chebyshev多项式和Fibonacci数列的一些性质On Some properties of the Chebyshev polynomials ahd the Fibonacci sequences
- 耐心的极限the end of one's patience.
- 增长的极限limits to growth
- 四阶Fibonacci数列fourth order Fibonacci sequence
- 广义高阶Fibonacci-Lucas数generalized Fibonacci-Lucas number of higher order
- 在某些多道程序设计系统中,一种用于定义(规定)或限制对程序进行访问的极限的值。In some multiprogramming systems, a value used to define or limit the access rights of programs.