- 广义Freud型权generalized Freud-type weight
- 指数型权exponential weights
- 挂牌型权证listed warrants
- 上限型权证Capped Calls
- B组予Freud's adjuvant,方法同上。Group A was the normal mouse,Group B was given Freud's adjuvant(the same method)to determine whether there was affect to the mouse.
- 议约型权证OTC Contract-based warrants
- 权证warrant
- 户型house type
- 笔型pen type
- 三权分立separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers
- 整型integer
- 知情权right to know
- 运动型motile
- 抵押权lien
- 表型phenotype
- 男权主义者masculinist
- 除权ex rights
- 外型尺寸external dimension
- B型Type B
- 追索权recourse