- 广义Hermite阵generalized Hermite matrix
- 次Hermite阵sub - hennite matrices
- 可逆Hermite阵reversible Hermite matrix
- 广义Hermite矩阵generalized (oblique) Hermite matrix
- 广义Hermite问题Part Hermitian solution
- Hermite阵不变子空间的扰动定理Perturbation theorems for invariant subspaces of Hermitian matrices
- 广义Hermite多项式generalized Hermite polynomials
- 阵spell
- 广义Hermite-Biehler定理generalized Hermite-Biehler theorem
- 广义Hermite插值多项式generalized H ermite interpolatory polynomial
- 阵型formation
- 阵发paroxysm
- 临阵脱逃desert on the eve of battle
- 广义相对论的天文学验证astronomical tests of general relativity
- 缺阵be absent
- 关于斜Hermite矩阵乘积之迹的不等式On the Inequalities for Trace of Product of Skew-Hermitian Matrices
- 迷阵maze
- 广义的赔偿reparation lato sensu
- G~2三次Hermite样条曲线形状的交互修改Interactive Shape Modification of the G~2 Cubic Hermite Spline Curves
- 阵形lineup