- 广义Jacobi矩阵generalized Jacobi matrix
- 对称三对角矩阵与周期Jacobi矩阵的广义逆The symmetric tridiagonal matrices and the generalized inverse of periodic Jacobi matrix
- 周期Jacobi矩阵periodic Jacobi matrix
- 管网方程Jacobi矩阵的一维压缩存贮与管网图节点标号的优化Memory Condensation of the Jacobi Matrix of Pipe Network Equation and Optimization of Node Symbols in the Pipe Network
- 关于Jacobi矩阵的特征值反问题可解的充分必要条件的一个注记A Note on Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Jacobi Matrix Inverse Eigenvalue Problem
- 矩阵的广义迹Generalized Trace of a Matrix
- Jacobi迭代Jacobi iterative method
- Jacobi序列Jacobi sequences
- Jacobi符号Jacobi symbol
- 广义酉矩阵generalized unitary matrix
- Jacobi椭圆函数Jacobi elliptic function
- 广义EIF矩阵generalized ElF matrix
- 广义H-矩阵generalized H-matrix
- 广义正定矩阵generalized positive definite matrix
- 广义质量矩阵general mass matrix
- 广义传播矩阵general transmitting matrix
- 实对称矩阵特征值问题的迭代块Jacobi-Davidson方法Iterative Block Jacobi-Davidson Method of Real Symmetric Matrix Eigenvalue Problems
- 矩阵的广义逆generalize inverse of a matrix
- Ux-广义正定矩阵Ux -generalized positive definite matrices
- 广义次正定矩阵extended sub-positive definite matrix