- 广义Lipschitz条件generalized Lipschitz condition
- 广义Lipschitzgeneralized Lipschitz
- Lipschitz条件Lipschitz condition
- 广义Lipschitz的generalized Lipschitzian
- 非Lipschitz条件non-Lipschitz condition
- 广义Lipschitz映像generalized Lipschitz mapping
- 前提条件precondition
- 广义Lipschitz映射generalized Lipschitzian mapping
- 生活条件living conditions
- 一类具有Lipschitz条件的增生型变分包含解的存在性与逼近性问题Existence and approximation problems of solutions to a class of variational inclusions with Lipschitz condition
- 广义Lipschitz算子generalized Lipschitzian operator
- 边界条件boundary conditions
- 在此条件下with this understanding
- 约束条件constraint condition
- 一致广义Lipschitz连续uniformly generalized Lipschitz continuous
- 充分条件sufficient condition
- 自然条件natural conditions
- 贸易条件terms of trade (TOT)
- 必备条件essential condition
- 在这个条件下on this condition