- 广义Loewner矩阵generalized Loewner matrice
- 对称Loewner矩阵symmetric Loewner matrix
- 第二章通过研究(A~TA)~(-1)及(AA~T)~(-1)的快速三角分解算法,分别给出了以m×n阶Loewner矩阵、Vandermonde矩阵及Toeplitz矩阵为系数阵的线性方程组极小范数最小二乘解的另一种快速算法。In Chap 2, through researching the fast triangular factorization of (ATA)-1and(AAT)-1, another fast algorithm of the minimal norm least square solutions forlinear equations which coefficients are mxn Loewner matrix, Vandermonde matrix, Toeplitz matrix are given.
- 广义broad sense
- Loewner矩阵Loewner matrix
- 广义的general
- Loewner偏序Loewner partial order
- Loewner型矩阵Loewner-type matrix
- 广义相对论general theory of relativity
- 对称Loewner型矩阵symmetric Loewner-type matrix
- 矩阵的广义迹Generalized Trace of a Matrix
- 广义酉矩阵generalized unitary matrix
- 广义EIF矩阵generalized ElF matrix
- 广义H-矩阵generalized H-matrix
- 广义差矩阵generalized difference matrix
- 广义M-矩阵Generalizations of M - matrices
- 矩阵广义逆Generalized inverse of matrix
- 广义正定矩阵generalized positive definite matrix
- 广义质量矩阵general mass matrix
- 广义传播矩阵general transmitting matrix