- 广义Ramanujan-Nagell方程Generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation
- 本文简要地介绍了有关S-单位方程、Ramanujan-Nagell方程、Thue-Mahler方程,LeVeque方程、Catalan方程、Pillai方程等指数型丢番图方程整数解的最新结果。This paper is a brief introduction of some recent results concerninginteger solutions of exponential diophantine equations, such as S-unit equation,equationof Ramanujan-Nagell,of Thue-Mahler,of LeVeque,of Catalan,of Pillai.
- 广义Brocard-Ramanujan方程The Generalied Brocard-Ramanujan Equation
- 广义broad sense
- Ramanujan和Ramanujan sum
- 广义的general
- 广义相对论general theory of relativity
- 广义动量generalized momentum
- 广义CH方程generalized CH equation
- 广义货币broad money
- 广义连续介质力学generalized continuum mechanics
- 广义上的信息Information in general.
- 广义解析函数analytic function in the wider sense
- 广义PC方程generalized PC equation
- 广义KdV方程GKdV equation
- 广义BBM方程Generalized BBM equation
- 广义DPNS方程diffusion parabolized N-S equation
- 广义估计方程GENMOD
- 广义预解方程generalized resolvent equation
- 广义特征方程Broad Sense characteristic Equatio