- 延迟加载DLL的约束Constraints of Delay Loading DLLs
- UNLOAD限定符通知延迟加载Helper函数支持DLL的显式卸载。The UNLOAD qualifier tells the delay-load helper function to support explicit unloading of the DLL.
- 为LINQ to SQL应用程序中的一对多关系的单一实例方提供延迟加载和关系维护。Provides for deferred loading and relationship maintenance for the singleton side of a one-to-many relationship in a LINQ to SQL application.
- 只在第一次调用函数时,才会查找和加载DLL并查找函数在内存中的地址。Locating and loading the DLL, and locating the address of the function in memory occur only on the first call to the function.
- 载year
- 为LINQ to SQL应用程序中的一对多关系和一对一关系的集合方提供延迟加载和关系维护。Provides for deferred loading and relationship maintenance for the collection side of one-to-many and one-to-one relationships in a LINQ to SQL applications.
- 您要延迟加载的DLL名称。The name of a DLL that you want to delay load.
- 延迟加闸delayed application
- 较小的加载因子意味着以消耗更大内存为代价的更快查找。A smaller load factor means faster lookup at the cost of increased memory consumption.
- 约束加载constraint loading
- 延迟加载delayed load
- 双面约束的理想加载Ideal Load of Bilateral Constraint
- 将格式化文本加载到视频内存,以提高呈现到设备的效率。Loads formatted text into video memory to improve the efficiency of rendering to a device.
- 另外,当启动应用程序时mtxex.dll在主系统上延迟加载。In addition, the mtxex. Dll is delay loaded on the host system when your application is launched.
- 在某些系统中,存储器的一个自动加载单元。参阅datacell。In some systems, an auto-matically-loadable unit of storage.
- 剪切带形成过程中的边界约束和加载速度效应Effects of boundary condition and loading speed on shear band localization
- 证书服务加载有效的CRL发行值有问题,重设CRL发行到它的默认值。Certificate Services had problems loading valid CRL publication values and has reset the CRL publication to its default settings.
- 在加载子记录后,约束会立即检查相关父记录并引发错误。As soon as you load a child record the constraint checks for the related parent record and raises an error.
- 进行此调用后,当前存储的应用程序设置值将被重新加载到其对应的属性中。As a result of this call, the currently stored values for the application settings are reloaded into their corresponding properties.
- 延迟加载一个或多个DLL的DLL项目本身不应调用Dllmain中的延迟加载入口点。A.DLL project that delays the loading of one or more DLLs should not itself call a delay-loaded entry point in Dllmain.